Yeah that was random very nice flash indeed. Make more if you choose to.
Yeah that was random very nice flash indeed. Make more if you choose to.
Nice flash although number 3 the MGS one seem to drag on but it had its moments. Also nice DDR tale for number 4.
My god...
That was truely a work of art. It was like he was dreaming but he really did that after what happened in the end.
You'd better not be gay. That was soo funny.
First off why do people keep making these movies?
I know 9/11 was a bad thing and all but can we just put the past behind us?
Reason why because it was drawn well and looked good.
The song Heaven by Ryan Adams or is it Bryan Adams? Has been butched many a times by J and K pop "Thats Japanese and Korean" "artist" and techno people and it's became crap. Also the girls voice is just Ehhh. The Song Imagine by John Lennon would have been better then that love song.
Need I say more?
Good looks as I said above.
None really.
Not funny.
It looked nice and all but can we just put the past behind us?
Stright Crazy!!!
This movie rocks! Keep up the great work I mean this is sooo good.
Very interesting stuff
I liked it and by following what you said on your site I shall vote 5 with all my power.
Nice Dexters Lab referance.
Just fix the sound though it was alittle bad in area's.
Glad to have you back Knox.
Tis me w00ty's lacky anyway keep up the krunk work and being preet.
People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use.
Age 37, Male
Yes indeed
Joined on 12/8/03